Dinocity – DimDim becomes superdino!

This is the story of Dinocity. a wonderful city with cute dinosaurs. Our story is about a little dinosaur named DimDim!
Millions of years ago, when there was no human on earth, very strange creatures lived on it!
They were tall, but they were no apartment or tower!
They were colorful, but the didn’t look like rainbow or gardens at all!
They were very strong and mighty, but they weren’t like trucks!
Some of them could fly, but they didn’t look like airplanes!
Some of them swam, but they weren’t ship or submarine!
They didn’t look like any of these, but they were very beautiful!
What do you think those beautiful creatures were called?
Yes of course! you are right! they were dinosaurs!
Dinosaurs had different names, different shapes and even different diets. Every one of them had a unique kind of hands, legs and teeth! Some of them had thorns on their heads or backs! And some of them had very very long necks! (which I think is do funny!!)
In those days when dinosaurs lived on earth, in the middle of a lush forest, beyond the blue ocean, next to a small sleepy volcano, there was a city called ” Dinocity “!
One day, that dinosaurs of Dinocity were working and playing, suddenly a loud voice was heard!
That voice belonged to DimDim! One of the smallest and cutest dinokids of Dinocity!
DimDim was running to his house and shouting:
What is it son? what happened? His mother asked.
His father who was worried, said:
Why are you out of breath honey? did you fight with other Dinokids?
OMG! Did something happened to DinoDino?
This time, his father came close and whispered to his ears:
Oh son! Did your mother find our secret snacks?
NOOOOOO! Don’t worry DaaaaaD! DimDim answered quietly!
So what happened honey?! Tell us! His mother seemed a little nervous!
MooooOOOOM! DAAaaaaAAAAD! there are many new toys in Dinoshop! Dino cars! Dino bikes! Dino dolls! and guess what else…? SuperDino costume!!!
DimDim hugged his dad with excitement and said:
DaAaAAAaaady! Pleeeeaaase! Can you Please buy me a SuperDino costume? Pleeeasse DaaaAAAd!
A superDino costume? his father said. OH, well… I don’t know…!
But his mother jumped in and said:
Ok! Ok! we will buy you one for your birthday!
But MoooOOOm! there is a long time left until my birthday! DimDim cried. they will run out of SuperDino costume till then!
DimDim was upset! He went to his room and laid down on his bed! He closed his eyes and started to think! He imagined himself in superDino costume helping Dinocity dinosaours! He was busy dreaming that suddenly the door opened!
DimDim opened his eyes and saw his mother and father standing beside his bed.
DimDim! your father and I made a decision! But first you have to tell us how much a superDino dress costs?
20 Dinor! Said DimDim with wonder!
When I was a little Dinokid, every week I recived allowance from my dad! So if I liked something, I could save my money and and buy it for myself. SOoOoO… If you are agree, we can give you 10 Dinor per week! In this way, you can save your money and have a superDino costume two weeks from now! Do we have a deal son? His father laughed loudly!
DimDim was so happy! He jumped and said:
Really? Thanks Daaaad! when will you give me my first allowance?
His dad took out 10 Dinor from his wallet and said:
what about now son?
DimDim was so happy! Because he could save his money and buy the stuff he liked!
DimDim put his money in his money pot which was a really big fat stone! DimDim wrote on his money Pot:
“let’s go for superDino costume! “
see next episode: Dinokids at the stadium
Loved it will read it at preschool tomorrow 👍